Tommy + Gina

*Not their real names per their request. But since I got to pick out names of my choosing, I thought the names of the fictions couple made famous by fellow Jerseyian, Bon Jovi, was totally appropriate…I know. I’m a dork! 

I love photographing couples. But there’s just something a little extra special about photographing a couple that is close to your heart.  I hadn’t spend much one-on-one time with Tommy before this session, but Gina is Kleber’s cousin and I love her dearly.  So after spending an afternoon with both of them in Morristown taking engagement photos, I am so happy to see that she’s found such a loving and caring partner  in Tommy. You can tell there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her.  I cannot wait to watch these two become husband and wife . Gina: you know we absolutely adore you! Tommy: welcome to the family!  Enjoy this special time in your lives…we love you very much!

We lucked out and got a beautiful snowfall the day before our session.

daffodils_0007.jpgTheir pup, Guinness, joined us for a few pictures too!

daffodils_0009.jpgdaffodils_0014.jpgTommy: you did good! What a gorgeous engagement ring!


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March 15, 2013 - 9:40 am

Jani B - So jealous…would love to do a shoot in the snow! Beautiful lighting…