Manipulating Natural Light to Achieve Different Styles

These photos were captured in the same location, shot with the exact same lens and  settings only seconds apart. They were edited the exact same way as well. So why do they look so different? It’s all about the light – in the case, the quantity of light.  In the first image, I asked Basia to position herself directly behind the sun. I positioned myself at eye level and allowed the light behind her to flood my lens. This created the soft, hazy look you see in this image below.

Even though I do like this type of effect for certain scenarios, I tend to favor images that pop. So we made some few changes to add more contrast and clarity to our next shot. This time I had Basia turn another 45 degrees away from the sun ( I used a reflector to bounce more light on to her face). I also took advantage of my trusty step stool to shoot at an angle slightly above her eye level to avoid flooding my lens with light this time. You can still see the glow and warmth of the backlighting, but my subject clearly pops in this image. This shot is definitely more my speed, but there’s no right or wrong way to do things.  It’s all a matter of preference. However, it never hurts to try something new. The more you learn how to manipulate light (whether it be natural or off camera), the better photographer you’ll be!

Lens: 24-70mm • ISO: 100 • Aperture: f/2.8 • Shutter: 1/400

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May 14, 2013 - 9:08 am

Erica L. - Great tips! I will definitely try and practice this affect.

May 14, 2013 - 10:39 am

Camila Faria - She looks absolutely stunning in both pictures. But I I tend to favor images that pop too.

May 14, 2013 - 10:46 am

Life with Kaishon - You are a good teacher Maddylicious.
I am at work today and feeling a little overwhelmed. Coming over here was a breath of fresh air.
: )
Happy Tuesday.

May 15, 2013 - 4:57 pm

Gloria - This lighting is just beautiful!

May 19, 2013 - 7:57 am

The Guilty Hyena - Nifty photography tips for outdoor shooting, all hail the sun too! : )