Miscellaneous Musings

My summer is literally flying! It’s like we returned from Cape Cod and in the blink of an eye, we’re more than half way through the month of July.  The nesting bug has struck again. I find that it comes in waves, so I just try riding it until I get lazy again. It also looks like we’re ready to start remodeling the kitchen! We want to DIY most things to save on costs, but it’s going to be a very LONG process from beginning to end. I’m excited and super nervous at the same time.  But we’re jumping in….it’ll get done one way or another!  The “pink room” is no longer pink. Originally it was meant to be the guest room, but it’s bright and spacious – perfect for a little home studio. As soon as I spruce things up a bit, I’ll share some pictures of the progress ( I’ve been terrible with sharing before and afters). Can’t wait to fill the walls with some samples of my work. Speaking of work, business has been great! I’ve had back to back sessions over the last couple of weeks which I’ll be sharing soon. But I’m glad things are starting to wind down a bit so I can enjoy the rest of the summer with my boys.

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July 18, 2013 - 7:43 am

Amy - Hooray for the business picking up . . . but I’m also glad to hear it’s going to slow a bit, so you can also enjoy summer with your boys.

And good luck with your kitchen remodel. Can’t wait to see pictures!

July 18, 2013 - 11:30 am

Tiffany B. - Yay! I feel the same way about our house. We go crazy for a week or so trying to pull things together, find new pieces and then just like that we are over it again for while. It comes in waves or when we know we are having guests ;) Can’t wait to see photos.

July 18, 2013 - 2:06 pm

Gloria - Glad your summer is going well, Maddy! Can’t believe it’s half over already!

July 18, 2013 - 8:43 pm

Sarah - I’m with you! Both on the DIY waves and the summer mania :-)