Hey there! For all of you that have been wondering when you would be greeted by something other than my breakfast pancakes, the day has finally arrived!!! Needless to say, this summer has been a whirlwind! Between sessions, events, vacations, beach days, it’s been such a blast! It also means that it’s been even more […]
Life with Kaishon - What a beautiful shoot, Maddy! You really know how to shoot a girl! : ) Cindy looks amazing, as always!
Buckeroomama - I love how game your sis is… and she makes a lovely model for your shoot! I’m so loving that gorgeous shade of red in her lipstick.
john - she looks beautiful as ever and the photography skills are on point!
Maddy {Mad Hearts Photography} - Thanks Sweetie!
Tracy P. - How fun is that! Nothing like a little sass to lighten the mood and let the creative juices loose. I totally thought that was you at first. Are you twins?
Maddy {Mad Hearts Photography} - LOL! No…we are two years apart. But we do get the “twin” comment often :)
s. badiyah austin - gorgeous! nothing more fierce than a flaming lip ;)
amazing shots, maddy!
Dan - Great post Maddy!