52 Faces Project • Kaishon

This face belongs to the ever adorable and sweet Kaishon. He’s pretty famous in the blogosphere thanks to his mom and one of my very best friends, Becky. You can read more about Kaishon and enjoy all the beautiful pictures his mom takes of his many adventures on her blog: Life with Kaishon.

I have a lot of catching up to do with the 52 Faces Project.  The goal was to do a fresh face a week, but I decided to cheat and  change the rules to allow me to catch up on some of the weeks I lost.  The new goal is to finish this project by photographing at least 52 faces for the entire year, but not necessarily on a weekly basis.  This means I need your help! If you’d like to volunteer, please be a dear and contact me at info@madheartsphotos.com.

May 23, 2014 - 11:39 am

Life with Kaishon - Oh my goodness. Maddy! I LOVE this picture of my number one favorite kid ever! Thank you so much for capturing him! You are great at what you do. Anyone that gets to be a part of this great project is LUCKY!

May 23, 2014 - 9:34 pm

Katherine Vargas - love it!!

Making Time for the Important Things

It’s almost the end of May and sadly, I haven’t done the best job of sticking to my new year resolutions. But there’s one resolution I’m proud to still be mainting: our monthly “Sisters Date”.  Since our work and personal schedules are so chaotic, my sisters and I agreed in January to set aside a day once a month to spend time together.  Sometimes it takes 100 text messages back and forth to find a mutually convenient time for everyone and then another 100 texts to finalize the plans, but when it finally happens, it’s worth every second. We have yet to skip a month, which is pretty miracilous since we’re notoriously “flakey”. I’ve never had a large group of girlfriends and I think that’s because I’ve been spoiled with two wonderful sisters, whom are the best friends any girl could ever hope for! No one gets me quite like they do.

May 21, 2014 - 6:34 pm

Charisma - Such a great idea!

I have a weekly Skype date with my best friend who lives in Cali and a weekly walking and talking date with my best local friend. It really helps to know that I will have an hour with each of them every week, even when things get busy!

May 22, 2014 - 4:20 am

Elly - Love this – I find that time with my ladies (sisters or friends) is always welcome, and always ridiculously fun. Also, nom! Olives! :)